Vitaminator uses Czech crops exclusively, which were harvested in our country. Most of the production comes from our own orchards, part is purchased from certified Czech farmers. Fruits and vegetables are harvested ripe, full of vitamins and healthy substances. Chemistry is avoided, smart processing technologies are not. In our products you will not find any preservatives, yet the juice lasts fresh up to 21 days after opening thanks to a special packaging system.
Our goal is to produce quality and healthy products suitable for all ages. We do not compete with quantity and overwhelm supermarkets. We mainly produce for consumers who know that the fruit from our gardens is the best for them. During our 8-year presence in the market we have learned to treat raw materials carefully and responsibly.
Each litre of the Vitaminator 100% natural juice is made from approximately 1.4 kg of fruits and vegetables. We process the juice continuously throughout the year mostly from our own orchards.
We offer a wide range of fruit and vegetable varieties The basis of allVitaminator juices is apple, which creates an excellent base for other fruit and vegetable varieties.
Fruit varieties: Apple 100% Apple - Pear Apple - Strawberry Apple - Blackcurrant Apple - Red Currant Apple - Raspberry Apple - Sea Buckthorn
Vegetable varieties: Apple - Beetroot Apple - Carrot Apple - Celery Apple - Parsley